They also found that low selenium may play a role in early delivery, but these findings need to be replicated
Archive - September 2017
Doctors may consider starting medications sooner
But similar meds cost up to $30,000 a year
Study suggests fading sense of smell often occurs years before symptom onset
High rates of obesity and diabetes are a major culprit, researchers say
Survey of doctors suggests a fear of malpractice is the biggest reason why
Tool might one day allow more complete removal of malignant tissue, less time on operating table
By late October is best, says American Academy of Pediatrics
Despite the stereotypes, most obese Americans aren't poor. U.S. Department of Agriculture, CC BY-SA Politicians and scholars sometimes cast obesity as a problem that largely afflicts the poor. But as most obese adults...
'Fragrance-free' and 'hypoallergenic' labeling is often misleading, study finds