Many governments, including the US, already collect and make public population statistics that could help them prepare for the next pandemic.
Archive - May 2021
In this interview, News-Medical speaks to Dr. David Caballero-Lima, Head of R&D at Labskin, about the applications and benefits of the Skin Trust Club.
Vaccination rates for COVID-19 have been lower than desired for herd immunity, or when enough people become immune for new infections to stop. What will life look like without it?
Neonatal hypothermia -- which occurs when an infant's core body temperature falls below the normal range needed to maintain health -- contributes to approximately one million deaths each year, and countless cases of stunted...
Mary Washington raised George and his four siblings mainly alone, imbuing in George many of his best traits. George often ignored his mother's pleas for money, much as history has ignored her story.
Some face masks now come with a coating of graphene, a substance that can kill microbes. Is it safe to breathe it in?