A trauma-informed therapist discusses how grief affects the brain and highlights the role of a sixth stage of grief – finding meaning – in the healing process.
Author - Elijah Lopez
A bacterial contamination of the work environment at facilities that produce eye drops can lead to severe infections and even death, as was the case earlier in 2023.
Balancing well is a whole-body experience that develops over time and takes practice to master.
Tuberculosis is a preventable and curable disease, yet before the pandemic, it killed more people than any other infectious disease.
The health coverage program’s enrollment soared during the three years after March 2020 due to temporary policies adopted at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
While high-profile concussions in the NFL have brought renewed attention to the gravity of head injuries, they can also occur on the playground or during junior varsity practices – with lasting effects.
A new report has highlighted ‘systemic’ verbal, emotional and sexual abuse of women’s soccer players. Many feared retaliation if they spoke out, while others didn’t think it was their place.
Your body follows a circadian rhythm that influences everything from how well your medications work to the best time for exercise.
Non-opioid directives allow patients to refuse opioids in all health care settings. For surgical procedures that require anesthesia, however, this may do more harm than good.
Treating a potentially deadly pregnancy complication gets caught up in the abortion debate. A nurse-midwife explains why it shouldn’t.