One medication-free technique uses your emotions to release stress.
Author - Grace Allen
Being held by a parent with skin-to-skin contact reduces how strongly a newborn baby's brain responds to a painful medical jab, finds a new study led by researchers at UCL and York University, Canada.
The flu vaccine will be available in most places Sept. 1. A public health nurse explains why it's especially important to get vaccinated for it this year.
Maternal depression in the postpartum period, and even beyond, is associated with the development of atopic dermatitis throughout childhood and adolescence, according to a recent study published in the journal Dermatitis.
A new coronavirus related to SARS and MERS has now traveled from China to the United States. A genetic analysis reveals that this deadly pathogen may have originated in snakes.
Some cite mental illness, or at least instability, as a basis to remove Pres. Trump from office. A doctor and a lawyer use a 1965 novel, 'Night of Camp David,' to explain why that's unlikely.
On April 4, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in Memphis. At the root of the injustice that King preached about is structural inequalities. An expert explains what that means.
One of the most dreaded times of the year occurs this weekend, when Americans spring forward - and lose an hour of sleep in so doing. Two doctors who are sleep specialists offer some survival tips.
Diet-related illnesses cost more than US$1 trillion and immeasurable human suffering and pain. Policymakers are beginning to understand that it makes sense to support food-as-medicine initiatives.
World AIDS Day is Dec. 1. With many advances in preventing and treating the disease, the disease has fallen from top of mind for many. An epidemiologist explains why that could be dangerous.