Recognizing signs of sleepiness key to prevention, researcher says
Author - Matthew Martinez
In study, flushing fallopian tubes with an oil allowed 40 percent of couples to achieve pregnancy
Cryptosporidiosis can cause weeks of watery diarrhea, CDC warns
New study finds a near doubling of sales of OraQuick test, showing power of celebrity announcements
Sight isn't the only sense involved in attraction to others, new research says
Low-cost, effective treatment programs are needed, researcher says
But the majority of tests are unaffected, U.S. officials say
Study finds increased access to antidote may allow relatives to turn tragedy into a second chance
A grin puts wrinkles around the eyes that make you look two years older, but there's a youthful look in surprise
Study suggests southern U.S. at greater risk than thought for outbreaks of Zika, dengue and other diseases