Know your limit to protect your health
Category - Health articles
But more research needed because study participants were all white, and wealthier than most Americans
Fewer important primary care appointments, more ER visits, study finds
Goal is to only perform one procedure, skin cancer specialist says
Underlying conditions could prolong recovery, researcher says
There are many health benefits to kids playing outdoors, not the least of which is preventing myopia. wavebreakmedia/ The ready availability of technology may make the children of today faster at configuring...
Data on youth and high school competitors show minimal amounts
Florentina Amaya of Houston looks at mold damage to her home, Sept. 5, 2017. AP Photo/David J. Phillip One of the biggest issues surrounding flooding after natural disasters is mold, a problem that can stay with a structure long...
Geriatrics specialist offers tips to avoid injuries
The most common cancer in the United States