Hysterectomy isn't the only choice, radiology experts say
Category - Health articles
Hiding info from pediatricians could be risky for young patients, report authors say
They have better survival than divorced or single patients, research shows
More shut-eye means healthier, more alert students, but survey finds half of parents pushing back
People without ID, like Steven Kemp, are sometimes turned away from the country's already threadbare system of drug treatment centers. Matt Rourke/AP Photo “It has been many long, hard, agonizing battles for the last few...
More than two-thirds of deadly skin cancers occur as new lesions, analysis finds
Studies have shown that most smokers wish they had never smoked and that they wish they could stop. Lowering the levels of nicotine, the addictive chemical in cigarettes, would be a big step. ...
Continuous long-term monitoring led to diagnosis in 1 out of 3 high-risk adults
These premenstrual urges seem far more common among U.S. women than others, study suggests
Hormone-suppressing regimen may raise odds for heart failure, but it brings benefits, too, researchers say