Since 2015 artificially-intelligent systems surpassed human accuracy in many tasks including image recognition, voice recognition, autonomous driving and strategy games such as GO. Early experiments such as Beauty.
Category - Health articles
That flaw seems to increase risk of a type of brain tumor later in life, researchers report
The water tower in Flint, Michigan, where lead-contaminated water led to a health crisis in 2014. AP Photo/Carlos Osorio Two seemingly unrelated national policy debates are afoot, and we can’t adequately address one unless we...
When to discard Rx and OTC drugs
Think of it as an early stealth strategy in the war against picky eating, researchers say
Staves off muscle decline, Canadian researchers suggest
Problem is common in chronic kidney disease and can lead to malnutrition and other health issues
Buprenorphine is prescribed to get patients off opioids in the privacy of a physician's office
Vyxeos combines two previously approved drugs
It's not a cure-all but has great potential, leader of an American Psychological Association panel says