In the first published survey of users of the hemp-derived compound, respondents highlight some important therapeutic effects.
Category - Health articles
The CDC’s updated mask guidelines say that cloth masks offer the least protection from COVID-19. Differences in the materials masks are made from and the ways they fit are the reason.
The 2021 child tax credit expansion helped lift millions of families with children out of hunger. After those payments ended in December 2021, those families may again face food insufficiency.
A legal scholar explains what the ruling means for other vaccine mandates and the government’s ability to protect public health.
The new year is a perfect time to adopt new health habits and routines. These four scholars reflect on the ways that they overcame the pandemic blues to get fit.
The addition of a certified wound and skin care nurse to a multiprofessional prone-positioning team at Penn Medicine Princeton Health significantly reduced the odds of patients with COVID-19 developing pressure injuries...
Nearly all suicide-loss survivors experience guilt, wondering what they could have done to prevent it. But despite decades of research, experts struggle to identify risk factors and predict suicide.
The answer is more complicated than you might think. It has to do with how your body gets rid of old red blood cells.
Two film crews comprised of Latino and Black cinematic arts graduate students made short films to counter vaccine fears in both communities.
Supermarket employees, still laboring in crisis mode, continue to report significant rises in physical and mental health problems.