On April 4, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in Memphis. At the root of the injustice that King preached about is structural inequalities. An expert explains what that means.
Category - Health articles
Electronic medical records were supposed to improve health care. Are they doing that? Two doctors describe the problems.
One of the most dreaded times of the year occurs this weekend, when Americans spring forward - and lose an hour of sleep in so doing. Two doctors who are sleep specialists offer some survival tips.
As organs go, lungs do not receive a lot of attention, and diseases associated with them, such as lung cancer, historically have been underfunded. Here's a look at how your amazing lungs function.
Sitting has been maligned in recent years for its role in obesity and diabetes. Now, a recent study in older women suggests that sedentary behavior may also increase heart disease risk.
President Trump recently announced in his State of the Union message that his administration will eliminate HIV within 10 years. He did not mention the social factors that must be addressed.
Renowned Harvard University geneticist David Sinclair recently made a startling assertion: Scientific data shows he has knocked more than two decades off his biological age
The Trump administration's proposal to lower drug prices focuses on discounts. A health policy scholar argues that the US could learn from Europe's system of measuring drug value and effectiveness.
Gaps in care and outcomes between African-Americans and white patients is a major concern to those who care about fairness in health care. Gaps in care also exist at end of life, too.
Diet-related illnesses cost more than US$1 trillion and immeasurable human suffering and pain. Policymakers are beginning to understand that it makes sense to support food-as-medicine initiatives.