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Category - Health articles
Historical housing discrimination in Detroit persists today and causes disparities in health outcomes. Policies are making a difference, but more needs to be done.
ICE detention facilities suffer from outdated systems, a lack of translation services – and a penchant for releasing ailing detainees to reduce the death count.
A neuroscientist explains how hormonal contraceptives work − and how stress may increase or decrease depression risk while on them.
Raw milk has always carried the risk of serious illness, and this risk has only risen with bird flu spreading across dairy farms in the US.
Researchers found a sharp rise in calls to US poison centers about magic mushrooms coincided with their decriminalization in several US cities and states.
The number of patients prescribed hormonal therapy plummeted after 2002, due to findings experts have since questioned. With better understanding, more and more people are using these treatments.
A risk expert explains how to read the heat index and interpret extreme heat warnings, and how to stay safe.
Online advertising featuring bright colors, cartoon figures and promotions by social media influencers entice adolescents to try tobacco.
The legislation would make it illegal to possess 2 types of abortion pills without a prescription.