Benefits of treatment don't outweigh the risks, U.S. task force reiterates
Category - Health articles
Study finds people overestimate just how much boozing changes their personality
High-dose supplements failed to improve exercise capacity, study says
Award-winning actress' mother had type 2 diabetes and died from heart issues
A grin puts wrinkles around the eyes that make you look two years older, but there's a youthful look in surprise
And here are tips to help choose the right pet for you
Consumer Reports finds rates vary from 7 to 64 percent across U.S.
Most are not, a U.S. survey finds, despite the lessons of the 2009 'swine flu' outbreak
Extreme cold seems to reduce the chances; heat raises the odds, study suggests
Though the disease was eliminated in the U.S. in 2000, foreign travel can still bring it home today